About us

About Us

CATALYST was originally established as Waveney Counselling Service (WCS), a charity in 1990.

We have a widely respected reputation in the local community and were an accredited affiliate of WPF Therapy (formerly Westminster Pastoral Foundation Network) until the network closed in 2013.

We are currently an organisational member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

We are a not for profit social enterprise offering high quality counselling to the community in the Lowestoft, Great Yarmouth and Waveney areas.

Therapies we currently provide include:

  • Open-Ended Counselling (for as long as you feel you need it)
  • Time-Limited Counselling (6-12 sessions)
  • Couples Counselling
  • Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (16 sessions)
  • Employee Assistance Counselling (Solution-Focussed Therapy)
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing/Assessment and Identification of PTSD Symptoms


And in addition to the above:

Supervision and Coaching for Clinicians and Other Professionals, Companies and Organisations


Our Aims and Objectives:

  • To promote mental health and wellbeing in the local community by providing high quality affordable counselling to individuals and couples.
  • To provide support and psycho-educational programmes for organisations in the community to help them ensure the wellbeing of their staff.
  • To work in collaboration with other local voluntary sector organisations in the provision of support services for people in the community.
  • To provide professional counsellor training in the psychodynamic model to people in the local community and beyond, with a view to increasing the number of well trained counsellors in the area, and ensuring the continuation of staffing for services within Catalyst.
  • To provide CPD events for local counsellors, mental health practitioners and other related professionals.





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