Social Enterprise

Social Enterprise

Under the Social Value Act 2012 (SVA) we aim to deliver significant social value to the local community as a social enterprise.

‘Social Value’ refers to the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of a community and its citizens.

Social value considers far more than just financial benefits and includes outcomes such as happiness, wellbeing, health, inclusion, empowerment, poverty and the environment.

The legal framework for social enterprises requires us to consider a number of areas including: compliance with the SVA, returning value for money and return on investment, managing demand and mitigating budget changes, increased local employment and growth, public health and wellbeing benefits, community resilience, and joint working around commissioning and procurement.

Some of these issues are particularly relevant for Catalyst.


Our most recent annual social value report 2022/23 showed that:

Of our clients......

78% reported either a large or very large improvement in their understanding of themselves with 22% reporting a fair improvement

70% reported either a large or very large improvement in their ability to cope with their problem(s) with 24% reporting a fair improvement

Self-confidence and esteem showed either a fair, large or very large increase for 80% of individuals

77% saw either a large, very large or fair improvement in their ability to manage their work/life balance

52% felt that their family relationships had either significantly or very significantly improved as a result of their counselling with 33% stating there had been a fair improvement

Of the service/agency......

79% were very satisfied with first contact and ease of using the service with a further 21% quite satisfied

91% were very satisfied with the professionalism, understanding, impartiality and skill of the counsellors with a further 9% quite satisfied

100% rated the overall quality of the service provided as being either very good or excellent

43% said they had used counselling as an alternative to medication

98% would either use the service again if needed or recommend to someone else

Other comments……

"allowed me the space to work out my issues and manage them in a healthy way"

“counsellor's patient and compassionate professional approach allowed me to share comfortably "

“I have made many changes"

“helped me let go of some unhelpful habits and beliefs”

“turned my perspective of myself totally around”

“I would recommend to anyone”

“I felt I was not alone with my issues”

"it has been so much more helpful than I ever imagined"


In line with findings from similar organisations, academic research and our own data, overwhelming evidence shows that counselling can transform clients' lives, and in so doing makes a significant impact for the better, not only for individuals, but also directly and indirectly to the wellbeing of the local community at all levels.

We are members of Social Enterprise UK.




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