
Rosie Doherty - Training Lead & Finance

Rosie trained as a speech and language therapist, and gained extensive experience working with children and adults with a wide range of disabilities. She also became a service manager in the NHS.

She trained in psychodynamic counselling in the early 1990's and has been working in this field with a wide range of people since then. She holds a Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling and Diploma in Post Graduate Psychoanalytic Studies, as well as having trained in various other models of working. She works with open-ended and time-limited models of counselling and is an accredited trainer and supervisor.  

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Aaron Davis - Training Lead & IT

Aaron lived in the Far East and worked as a company trainer for Honeywell and IBM before returning to the UK. He worked briefly as a teacher before deciding to train as a speech and language therapist specialising in developmental and acquired disabilities and impairments in both adults and children. An interest in the importance of relationships and longer term models of psychological therapy led to further training as a psychodynamic counsellor.

He has a Clinical Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling and an Advanced Diploma in Object Relations Theory. Aaron is also trained in brief therapy, short-term, solution focused work, has trained and worked with CRUSE, and is a Dynamic Interpersonal Therapist (DIT) accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council. His most recent training relates to Critical Incident Stress De-Briefing.

Aaron has a wide range of experience in Employee Assistance Programmes working with performance related issues caused by stress, loss and relationship dynamics in the workplace. In recent years, he has worked with ex-servicemen and front-line public service personnel including the police, fire service, ambulance and NHS staff.

Aaron believes in giving more choice to people in distress. His motivation comes from the drive to provide a service which is flexible in its approach to mental health and is not limited to specific symptoms.

As a director at Catalyst, he has completed further training in leadership and motivation.

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Dan Neale - Clinical Lead

Dan originally trained as a mathematician, but in 2004 took a change of direction to start working therapeutically. He initially worked for three years across two prisons with adult males, before moving to a charity which used therapeutic community approaches to treat traumatised children. He worked there for 17 years. In addition to his work with children, he also ran therapy groups and worked with individuals within the NHS and at a GP surgery.

Dan trained both as a Group Analyst and also as a Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (qualifying in 2013 and 2015 respectively). He has extensive experience in teaching, training and developing clinical staff, both as a tutor and supervisor. He has also worked with the UKCP on training standards for child counsellors.

Dan is particularly passionate about applying group and systematic frameworks to deepen understanding of organisational dynamics, especially in the helping professions. Dan currently works as a Senior Lecturer on a counselling degree, is Course Convenor of the Cambridge Foundation Course in Group Analysis, and has a private practice for training, supervision and consultancy.

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Tracey Darnell - Company Secretary, Social Value & Marketing

A nurse practitioner for over twenty years and a psychodynamic counsellor at Catalyst since 2014, Tracey has a wide range of experience working in the areas of learning disabilities, mental health assessment and treatment services, neurology and end of life care with both children and adults. She has worked within the NHS, the voluntary sector and also in international NGOs based abroad. She holds a Clinical Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling, Certificates in Psychodynamic Assessment and Time-Limited Psychodynamic Counselling, and is trained in Critical Incident Stress De-Briefing. 

Why the psychodynamic approach and why Catalyst? Tracey's belief is that the psychodynamic model allows individuals to work at a deeper, more qualitiative and sustainable level, which seeks to promote the best understanding and awareness they can have of themselves and how they relate to others. This internalised resource can then be proactively and positively carried forward into the future to support better psychological health, wellbeing and relatedness long-term. As a not for profit organisation, the ethos at Catalyst has always been to provide low cost, equitable and accessible counselling for as many people as possible, responsive to their individual mental health needs and irrespective of diagnosis or label. This sits very seamlessly and neatly alongside Tracey's other professional role as a nurse.     

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